Relax with 90-day Prescription Refills
Click here to watch Express Scripts’ video on Smart90’s great benefits.
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Mass. Laborers’ Benefit Funds and Express Scripts are helping you avoid paying higher costs for your daily medication.
Switch from a 30-day supply to a 90-day supply for your regular refills — and choose whether to receive them through home delivery from Express Scripts Pharmacy or at a CVS retail pharmacy near you. You might even see additional savings from getting one 90-day supply, rather than paying for three 30-day supplies.
With the 90-day refills, you’ll also make fewer trips to the pharmacy, make fewer payments, and be less likely to miss a dose, since you won’t be refilling as often with a 90-day supply.
If you’re prescribed a daily medication, just ask your doctor to issue a 90-day prescription to start saving time and money today.